Founded by Reverend Bodhi Be and his wife Leilah Be along with Ram Dass.
Their idea? To start here on Maui, working with families and professionals to engage in advocacy and educational programs on conscious aging, dying and death.
Bodhi Be, Leilah Be and Ram Dass

Since 2006, Doorway Into Light has been presenting educational programs and trainings in Hawaii, for families and professionals in the field, as well as actively engaged in direct, volunteer support of dying people, their families, their care-givers and those grieving.

+ 16 years later, Doorway Into Light continues to provide care counsel, support and education to our community.

To change our culture, to change our lives, requires the transformation of consciousness and few things shift consciousness as quickly as an awareness of death.
Ram Dass and Reverend Bodhi Be

Our values

Heart centered

We are here to help , at whatever stage of the journey you may find yourself in. We are here to listen and support you in some of life's most precious and difficult moments.

Green & Sustainable

We are bringing forth options for after-death care that are  natural, holistic, and environmentally sustainable.

Not for profit

We seek to re-invent and revolutionize the funeral home and the funeral industry, transforming the “business of dying” and returning it to “sacred service”.

We are a family, not a team

We work with community organizations, such as local hospices, hospitals, non-profits, and religious organizations in growing and deepening care for the aging and the dying.

the latest

April 11, 2024
April 8, 2024
The 6th International Death Doula Training on Maui
March 23, 2023
Deep Caregiving to the Dying: Asks us to be Deep People with Rev. Bodhi Be

Maui's Only
Green Funeral Home

Since 2012 Doorway Into Light has operated Hawaii's only non-profit and certified green funeral home. We offer options for end-of-life care care that are holistic, sustainable, community and family based and spiritually inclusive.